Bambi 'Flower and Thumper' Book End Figurine Set (1992) - ID: 035075810223

Bambi 'Flower and Thumper' Book End Figurine Set (1992) - ID: 035075810223 Disneyana




Image Size: 
4.5"x4.75"x7.25" thumper , 4.5"x6.25"x6.5" flower
Price: $100.00
SKU: 035075810223

A rare book end figurine set of Flower and Thumper from Walt Disney's animated classic "Bambi." The glazed book ends were manufactured by Schmid and released in 1992. Measuring 4.5"x4.75" and 7.25" and 4.5"x6.25" and 6.5" each, the book ends with felt bases are in fine condition and come with the original 11.5"x8"x8.5" box.

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